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NAEA is now accepting applications from members who wish to serve on the 2024 Nominating Committees. Positions are available on 3 nominating committees: The Board of Directors Nominating Committee; the Research Commission Nominating Committee; and the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (ED&I) Commission Nominating Committee. 

NAEA is seeking one member from each NAEA Region for the Research Commission Nominating Committee and ED&I Commission Nominating Committee; and one member from each NAEA Region and each NAEA Division for the Board of Directors Nominating Committee. View the NAEA Membership Regions.  


About the Committees: 

The NAEA Board of Directors guides the Association forward on behalf of NAEA’s members and their learners. In advance of odd-numbered years, the committee shall prepare a slate of two candidates for each President-Elect and Division Directors-Elect. The NAEA Board will ratify the committees and designate the Chairs.  

Application deadline: July 12, 2024. 


The NAEA Research Commission advances the ongoing research needs of the visual arts education field. Commissioners coordinate and communicate about research that relates to the needs of practitioners and stakeholders who are concerned with understanding critical questions of importance to the field to provide the highest quality visual arts education possible in our schools and educational institutions.  

Application deadline: September 27, 2024. 


The NAEA ED&I Commission works in concert with the NAEA Board of Directors, state association affiliates, and members to respond to previously unaddressed and newly emerging issues to advance NAEA’s ED&I recommendations (developed by the ED&I Task Force), as well as to fully realize this work.  

Application deadline: September 27, 2024. 


A nominating committee member must:

  • Be a current member of NAEA. 
  • Possess a reasonable knowledge of the workings and structure of the group for which they are reviewing nominations. 
  • Have the ability to confidently and clearly express their opinion regarding potential candidates. 
  • Be willing to consider others’ opinions regarding potential candidates, 
  • possess a clear understanding of why they would like to serve on this committee, as well as what they would bring to the Nominating Committee. 
  • Support NAEA’s mission along with its goals relating to equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

If you plan to submit your nomination for one of these elected or appointed positions, please do not apply to be on that Nominating Committee. 


For questions, please email Sydney Krieck at skrieck@arteducators.org

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